The 34 year old father of three smirked as he posed for the mugshot above in 2007. It was his 2nd shot taken after he was arrested charges stemming from him beating his infant son to death three years earlier.
Assistant District Attorney Dalia Racine said both Edetanlen and his wife beat their 5-month-old, his 1-year-old son, and his 2-year-old daughter back in 2004, resulting in the death of the youngest child.
His defense?
Spare the rod… spoil the child…
[Sidebar: …but what about “Thou shalt not kill”??]
Details below…
Edetanlen recently appeared in court where he faced murder & cruelty to children charges stemming from the beating death of his 4 and a half month old son.
According to the AJC, he pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of involuntary manslaughter and several counts of child cruelty.
Edetanlen?s defense is that he follows the word of the bible to the T. Especially, Proverbs: 13, which teaches parents to ?Spare the rod. Spoil the child.?
Prosecutors say he went too far and his brutal discipline killed his 5-month-old child in his home back in 2004.
In his defense, Edetanlen?s attorney told the court his client loves his children and in no way meant them any harm.
?We are asking for 18 years to serve,? Racine said, and the judge agreed.
On Wednesday October 10, 2012, (8 years after the incident), Benjamin Edetanlen was sentenced to 18 years in prison for beating his infant son to death.
His wife also faces a charge after she allegedly did nothing to stop the abuse.
As part of his plea deal, Edetanlen was ordered to stay away from his other two children once he is released from prison.