The display asks why ?everyone freaks out? when James Holmes kills 12 people, but the world gives President Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize after he ?kills thousands with foreign policy.?
The billboard, located in Caldwell, Idaho, features a picture of Aurora Theatre shooting suspect Holmes, accompanied with the text ?Kills 12 in a movie theater with assault rifle, everyone freaks out.? Juxtaposed is a picture of Obama, with the text: ?Kills thousands with foreign policy, wins Nobel Peace Prize.
Maurice Clements, part of a group who honor the memory of Libertarian Ralph Smeed, says the group is angry over Obama not bringing the troops home.
“We?re all outraged over that killing in Aurora, Colo., but we?re not outraged over the boys killed in Afghanistan,” Clements said. (source)
According to the group, which has previously paid to display other anti-Obama messages on the same billboard, they placed the message there to remind Americans of Obama?s promise to bring home the troops?a promise the group says has been broken.
For the record, residents of the area have have called the billboard ?abhorrent,” but the message still remains.
The billboard is in very poor taste but remember those monkey t-shirts they were selling out in Marietta? Yeah… it’s about to get real since the election is coming up soon.