[READ: Exclusive Look at Chad & Evelyn’s Wedding Invitation… PHOTOS]
While things seem to have been going pretty smoothly for the cute couple in the days following the wedding, Evelyn has a strange conflict when it comes to taking on her new hubby’s last name.
She apparently chose the wrong one… (last name that is). Chad ditched ‘OchoCinco” but Evelyn’s unfortunately stuck with it… for now.
Details about Ev & Chad’s “name game” + wedding photos below…
According to TMZ, Lozado’s last name is now legally “OchoCinco” while her footballer husband Chad’s last name is “Johnson”…
When the “Basketball Wives” star got married in early July, she changed her last name to Ochocino to match her NFL star husband, Chad Ochocinco. A few weeks later, Chad went ahead with his pre-planned move to switch his name back to Johnson and Evelyn planned to change her name to Johnson as well, post-wedding.
Unfortunately, we’re told Lozada has not received her official marriage paperwork yet … and she can’t legally change her name to match his until it comes in.
To make things even more complicated … our sources say Chad still wants Ocho to be part of his life, so he’s adding the Ochocinco BACK to his name (before the “Johnson”) after the football season.
After all the name-changing is said and done, he’s going to be “Chad Javon Ochocinco Johnson” and in a show of support, Evelyn will become “Evelyn Alexandra Lozada Ochocinco Johnson.” Wow.
Good luck naming your kids, guys.
It’s always something with these two. I have to admit they’re a cute couple though…
I used to believe they were totally “made for tv” but from the little love tweets and subliminals they send each other online. I’m starting to really believe in them.? (Call me an optimist).