Tears came to the singer?s eyes and flowed freely during the last few songs of set causing many audience members to respond with their own tears, cheers and shouts of ?We love you!?, in support of the singer who has had many personal struggles in her past including a suicide attempt two years ago.
This year, we lost Whitney Houston?They just wouldn?t leave her alone. They did not understand that she was only human. We lose family, friends, all for the love of money.
The only person who will never leave you is Jesus.
We’d already heard that Antwaun Cook had left Fantasia to go back to his wife, but since he was back & forth any way that probably wasn’t a big issue.
Tasia may have lost it onstage this time because now her married baby daddy is apparently dating a d-list reality show chick.
And to make matters worse… the d-lister is spreading pictures of her and her new boo online!
Details + photos of the new couple below…
This no good knee-grow not only sh*tted on his wife and mother of his two kids, Paula Cook but he’s also stomping all over Fantasia’s heart too!
Cook has been flaunting his relationship with Bad Girls Club “star” Kendra and the two spent time together in Miami recently and posted several photos online.
We all know that Tasia shoulda walked away from this creep years ago but it still doesn’t negate the fact that he’s a jerk.
Yes… Antwaun is STILL MARRIED to Paula… and has what? about 3/4 kids (that we know of) including Fantasia’s 3 month old son…
[VIEW: First Photo of Fantasia’s Son Xavier Dallas Cook… PHOTO]
He probably still works at the dayum Sprint store (or is he “managing” people now?) and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever that I can think of.
Antwaun must be a BEAST in the boudoir but since we all know he ain’t sh*t out the bed this should says a whole lot about Kendra’s “A”zz!
Yeah… I already know y’all are gonna roast Fantasia for breaking down onstage over this non-muthaflockin’ factor, but if you’ve ever been in LOVE you’d know it ain’t a game!
I just hope he knocks up Kendra too… AFTER he spends up her $500 BGC check!