While a group of people assembled at a spot located on Auburn Avenue to have a good time and discuss the outcome of the show, one “fan” in particular approached Joseline Hernandez and bluntly asked her why did she have an abortion.
Details are sketchy as to who threw the first punch, but apparently Jose pushed the girl and the ATL chick promptly issued her a beat down.
Additional details about the fight as well as video from the scene under the cut PLUS watch the episode that ignited the altercation…
Word is…?Joeseph?Joseline wasn’t expecting to face the wrath of an angry fan and when she swung it was ALL OVER!
Stevie J and Benzino eventually came to?his?her aid and reports are that a few DUDES fought the girl who started the altercation.
Someone sent over a video of the girl as she is phoning the cops and someone who looks like Benzino hops in the back of a black sedan and drives off.
VIDEO: Joseline Fights on Auburn Avenue in Atlanta
And in case you missed last night’s episode, here it is in it’s entirety for your viewing pleasure…