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If rumors are correct, the reality show diva may be on the unemployment line soon…. but those of you who have a soft spot in your heart for Sheree may just be able to lend the uneducated vixen a helping hand… for charity.
[Sidebar: The last time Sheree participated in a charity event, Kim Zolciak met her future baby daddy… so I guess it’s worth another shot right? You know… for charity.]
Ladies and gentlemen… would you spare a few coins for a night out with Sheree?
This is no laughing matter… 😯
Marquavious Marlo Hampton, the background character from season 4, spilled the beans during that argument with Sheree in Africa, that Whitfield has few dating options these days besides drug dealers.
To make matters worse, you may recall that witch doctor in South Africa who tried to warn Sheree that she was destined to stay unmarried and would live alone in her house because she was “too old”.
Well here’s your chance to change the life of a reality show reject… for charity!
Sheree has joined forces with a fellow d-lister to be auctioned off at a local Atlanta restaurant (can you say… “rock bottom“?)
Sheree is one of the Atlanta singles placing themselves on the block for a charity date auction.
A night on the town with Dolvett Quince of NBC?s ?The Biggest Loser? is also among the offerings.
The auction is reportedly , to benefit Bert?s Big Adventure, Captain Planet Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, starts at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Aja. (source)
Yes… you read right.
If any of you males and/or females (cause you never know) are feeling a bit charitable, you can submit your bid to win a date with Sheree.
Sheree is being auctioned off to the highest bidder and who knows…? she might just do something ‘strange’ if your ‘change’ is up to par.? I kidd…? I kidd… it’s FOR CHARITY FOLKS! (and by “charity” we know they really mean Chateau Sheree.)
Hmmmm…. maybe Bob will contribute to the cause and they can live happily ever after.