Erica Gluck, the adorable little girl who played Brittany Pitts (“Brit Brat”), the daughter of Jason & Kelly Pitts on BET’s hit series “The Game” was dropped from the show and abruptly replaced by an older teen.
The show, which was revived on BET after after fans petitioned for it’s resurrection when it was canceled by the CW network, was a win/win for BET in the ratings but fans are still up in arms about the cast.
Loyal fans of the show wondered what happened to the original cast member, with many even voicing their concern on the social networking site, Twitter:
In case you were wondering what happened to the “original” Brit Brat:
Erica Gluck & her mother, Mary Gluck
According to Erica Glucks father, Chris, the family was willing and able to fly her to Atlanta and stay there with her during shooting, but the producers/writers weren’t even willing to have a meeting with her.
Rumor has it that Erica’s replacement, Katlynn Simone Smith, got the part only because she’s related to Kenny Smith, who is a writer & executive producer of the hit BET show.
Fans of the pre-teen have not gotten together and created an online petition to bring “Brit Brat” back.
Let’s get a petition going and get our original Brit Brat back!
This new Britney has NO talent and hasn’t acted in ANYTHING where she had words. Obviously this is just a family member trying to hook another family member up.
What does this say about how BET truly views the fans of THE GAME? They don’t respect us AT ALL. Nor do they realize what we want. =/ After all the fighting we did to bring it back, WE WERE PLAYED!
CLICK HERE to read/sign the petition to bring back the original “Brit Brat”…