Ciara has been getting her shop on dayum near everyday since moving out west to L.A.? The diva has been photographed all over Beverly Hills dropping mad cash while carrying around her lil mini-me Tyson:
“Today I took Tyson shopping with me. It?s cool to be able to take your dogs into stores, because in most cases, stores are strict” Aug 20th 7:53pm
CiCi’s also been breaking traffic laws in LA-LA land and recently admitted her crime via Twitter:
“Just ran the red light on accident and that camera thingy caught me! Ooh!!” Aug 20th 8:04pm
I dunno what’s going on with Ciara lately. She seems a bit different. Even in the photos she’s not her normally bubbly self. Maybe she’s still distraught about being dropped from the Britney Spears tour…? More photos below: