Buffie the Body, known for her huge backside and half-naked flix, is encouraging women to work out and embrace their natural curves as she presents Bootynomics101:
Y’all know me already! It’s me, Buffie the Body! But this isn’t just about me this time, it’s about us…me and you!!!! It’s getting cold outside and this is the best time to get that tummy flat and that ass round and firm! TRUST ME! The SPRINGTIME WILL BE HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!!! You can’t tell me you wouldn’t love to have a more shapelier booty and a flatter stomach, (I know you all do because you told me a billion times and yes I do read all of your emails)EVERY LADY DOES! It’s not hard and anybody can do it! Shit, I get lazy sometimes too but I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that I don’t do myself! AND NO, I’M NOT TRYING TO BE A SIZE 3! I’M STILL A BLACK WOMAN AND I LOVE MY THICKNESS AND IT’S NOT GOING ANYWHERE! LOL!!!!?
Buffie has created a new MySpace Page that focuses on workouts instead of nekkid pics and also appeared on The Tyra Show a few months ago as Tyra was celebrating BFA’s (“Big Fat Asses”). During her interview,?Buffie discussed about how she went to a nutritionist when she felt she was too thin, and she went from 119 to 170. ?Tyra’s crazy azzz could NOT stop talking bout that girl’s booty. That heffa said “booty” so many times I thought I was gonna scream!! ?Peep the video:
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