Alexyss K. Tylor has joined the “A” team!!?? What was that……you don’t know who Alexyss K. Tylor is????? Well, let me refresh your memory.? Alexyss is solely responsible for coining the popular phrase “Vagina Power”.? She?was also the host of her own show on Atlanta public access television where she spoke classic lines such as “The Dick will make you slap somebody!”?(I know you remember all those infamous?YouTube videos?of her show!)
Starting next week, Alexyss is joining Straight from the “A” to bring all you lovelorn lost puppies some sound love, sex and dating advice.?? So get your Dildos notepads ready, cause it’s about to be on and poppin’!!!
Address your letters to [email protected]?and Alexyss will respond in ginuine P-Power fashion!? Please feel free to ask anything…..of course we will weed out the b.s. and answer the good stuff.