Love it or hate it, Atlanta “Housewives” are an object of obsession online and off.? These people put their lives on display for the world to see and cast members face scrutiny every day of the week.
That being said, housewife/Socialite/Model Cynthia Bailey‘s sister Malorie Bailey-Massey recently found out first-hand what this reality television ish is all about when she became the target of a vicious internet rumor concerning her husband, Chris Massie and her daughter from a previous relationship.
[READ: They Say: Cynthia Bailey’s Sister Malorie Has Way More Marital Drama Than She Does… ]
Malorie was very disturbed about the insinuation that her husband had been involved with her daughter prior to their marriage and was quick to contact me to dispel the rumors:
Malorie Massie Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 7:23 PM
To: straightfromtheaI’m traveling from France right now so I’m unable to contact you by phone. We will make it to the States tomorrow. I did see where you wrote that it is rumored to be, on the false allegations article made against my family.I understand you got your source from somewhere else. I do appreciate you allowing a retraction statement to be made because of the seriousness of the false allegations and to prevent further harm to be done.
I realize that I am on a Reality Show and rumors are going to be made, but when allegations are made against a Innocent child and my implying husband basically is a child molester, that’s grounds for a law suit and I hope that you can understand my anger, especially if you have children of your own.
I attached a retraction statement. Please review and let me know when it can be published.
I appreciate your help and understanding with this.
Malorie Bailey-Massie
So without further adeiu, please read Malorie Bailey-Massey‘s official response:
My husband and I have been happily married for 7 years. My daughter was an 11 year old child when I married my husband Chris. According to the false rumors, my husband met my daughter first and was dating her.
That means he would have dated her at the age of 9 or 10 years of age.
I assure you my child was still playing with dolls and toys when she was 9 or ten yearsold, and not interested in an almost 30 year old man. My husband is a professional athlete overseas and has a 12 year old daughter of his own from a previous relationship. My husband is employed out of the country; therefore he is only in the States for 2 months out of the year.
During basketball season I am with my husband during the entire basketball season and when the season is over. I do travel back and forth when filming with my sister Cynthia Bailey on RHOA.
On a previous show my sister indicated that my marriage is not perfect either. My sister made the statement because I have experienced financial problems as well due to a former basketball team in Greece not paying the players because of a losing season, which put us in financial problems.
On the previous show I admitted to my sister Cynthia Bailey that everyone have money problems, and is up and down financially.
I assure everyone my marriage is solid and the rumors of my husband cheating and dating my child are RUMORS!
I am outraged and deepen sadden that someone would make up such outrageous rumors regarding my husband and 18 years old innocent child, which is a minor. I repeat, was the age of 11 when I married my husband.
Due to the seriousness of these false allegations against my husband and child, I am forced to address these ridiculous hurtful rumors. I will be investigating and pursuing a law suit against the person/parties who have slandered my husband and child name. Who clearly did not check his/her facts on the age of my daughter and length of time I have been married to my husband.
I do realize that I am on a Reality Show and am subject to rumors, but there is no humanity when trying to destroy a child life and a man professional character.
Malorie Bailey-Massie
And with that being said, I respectfully take back what I said about Malorie’s marital drama.? Hopefully the other sites that posted it will follow suit.