[READ: RECAP: RHOA Season 8, Episod 1 + Watch Full VIDEO…]
While Sheree had a 5 year head start on her unfinished ‘Chateau,’ Kenya’s ‘Mold Manor’ isn’t inhabitable either at this point.
Whatever the case, the two ladies are each bumping their gums about the other’s doomed construction project, while they are BOTH ‘still renting’ and not occupying their respective failed real estate investments.

VIDEO: Kenya vs. Sheree RHOA 0801 ?(CLIP)
In the video above, Sheree and Kenya ‘meet’ for the first time (on camera) and Moore immediately goes in for the kill.
Kenya spoke out the situation via her Bravo blawg,?where she tries to convince her ‘fans’ that she’s ahead in the Mold Manor vs. Chateau She-Can’t Pay debate, stating:
I had met Sheree once or twice before. I thought it was a nice coincidence that I knew at least one of my neighbors. I personally have always seen homes as investments. I purchased a home with cash below my means so that I can also afford to complete the renovations and maintain for less than I?m paying in rent now. Not to mention the instant equity.
Now, I don?t count someone else?s money. However, Sheree chose to purchase an existing home and tear it down to then build a custom 16,000+ square foot mansion with cash — and that?s her business. With that said, it becomes the City of Atlanta?s business when the build takes over four years, making it an eye sore for the neighbors and a nuisance by bringing property values down.
When I stated the obvious ongoing issues, Sheree took to unnecessary jabs at my home. Things escalated from there because I touched on a sensitive subject. We are both strong women and prideful. I could have taken the high road and simply offered to start a Kickstarter campaign for her to finish building her house.
Sheree came for me?what did you expect from Twirl?
On the flip side, Bravo gave Sheree a chance to respond to all the naysayers via a blawg post as well. ?Oddly enough, she admits that the 5 year construction project she took on ‘with her family’ is a bit overdue, but she feels Kenya’s motives are simply that she’s intimidated by Sheree’s return.
Sheree writes:
Wow, what a first date with Kenya! What did I just walk into? Let me start by saying that I’ve met Kenya once or twice in passing through our mutual friend. It was only a hello!
I’ve never sat and had a drink with her, broke bread with her, or had a conversation with her, so of course I was completely caught off guard and just as surprised as the other girls that someone would go into attack mode after less than two minutes of being in my presence when they didn’t know me! I knew she would be intimidated by my return.
However, I did not realize that she would act so desperately! It only makes sense that you would come for me after all — I am the veteran, the OG. Isn’t this the same girl that screams, ?Don’t come for me unless I send for
Well, I don’t recall sending for that package. Truth be told, what Kenya thinks about me is none of my business. However, let’s be clear on a few things… Let me first welcome you, Kenya, to “MY neighborhood”! I’ve been in “the neighborhood” for fifteen years and counting. Not sure what so-called “neighbors” Kenya spoke to about me, but what she should have discussed with them was the house she purchased that everyone in “the neighborhood” knows to steer clear of!Now as a smart business woman, instead of being all up in someone else’s business, she should have inquired about the home she purchased in the flood plain. She should have asked the so-called neighbors, ?Is my house really sinking off the back hill? What should I do about this cracked foundation? How long has all of this mold been here? It’s everywhere! How many floods can and have this house sustained?
Should I keep scuba gear on deck? Why have there been so many buyers in the last year or two? Should I just start from scratch and tear this down? How will my guest get down my driveway without injuring themselves? Should I take Shere? some cookies? I heard she likes chocolate chip cookies!? I could go on, but no need, I’m sure you get the point. There are so many other questions or conversations that should have been had with the so-called “neighbors”! Girl, bye.
As a woman who took on an enormous project with my family and clearly got in way over my head, I would have thought that this is the one thing that we would have in common as two women delving into major construction projects and that we could possibly learn from our mistakes, help support and guide each other, and share our hiccups and mishaps so the other could possibly avoid them. What was I thinking about with this one? Silly me!
#ChateauSheree vs #MoldManor
#MyHouseIsStructural lySound
#IveImprovedProperty Values
#RainSleetOrSnowICan ComeOrGo
#ThatDrivewayIsADeat hTrap
Chilee… all those hashtags tho?? ?SMH…
Welp… it looks like RHOA producer Carlos King’s two cash cows are doing exactly what they were hired to do… (act a fool!)

[Sidebar: This pic was taken back in February 2013 at a Superbowl party in Atlanta (way before this season began taping), so it’s clear Sheree & Kenya know each other very well. How do I know this? Well… Sheree also posed with Funky Dineva the same night and I did a post about it (click HERE if you missed that). But I digress.]
What do you think of Kenya & Sheree’s ‘homeless housewife’ battle?