Love and Hip Hop Atlanta aired the 9th episode of it’s faker than fake 4th season last night (June 22, 2015).
Last week we were entertained with Yung Joc’s ‘real life’ relationship drama as he introduced his 4 baby mamas (one of which happens to still be his wife) to his live-in girlfriend.
[READ: Recap: LHHATL S4, Ep8 ‘Truth Hurts’ + Aftershow ft. Yung Joc & Shekinah (Full Video)… ]
This week’s episode is titled ‘I Deserve’ and the bulk of the episode is focused around Mimi Faust, who finally reveals what the world already knew about her decision to do a sex tape with Nikko.
[FLASHBACK: For Discussion: Did Mimi Sell Herself Short in Sex Tape Deal?? ]
Joseline performs ‘Stingy With My Kutty Kat‘ at Tony and Kalenna’s club opening (click HERE to watch the official music video); Yung Joc’s girlfriend Khadiyah reveals she might be baby mama #5 and Momma Dee gets the surprise of her life.
In case you missed it, watch the full episode below…
VIDEO: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta S4, Ep9
Mimi reveals what everyone (except Ariane) already knew…
It’s official. Mimi Faust has finally come clean about being ‘in’ on that whole sex tape debacle.
[READ: Joseline Hernandez Reviews Mimi Faust?s Sex Tape + ?Mimi-ing? Becomes a Trend? (PHOTOS)]

Mimi lied to Ariane for a year and a half about her role in the tape and Ariane feels betrayed by all the lies and effort it took to keep the lies going. She also had the audacity to be defensive when Ariane expressed her anger and they seemed to almost go to blows.
Club & Marriage…
Kalenna decides she’s going to be supportive of her husband’s night club ambitions but it seems her support isn’t quite reciprocated.
It seems Tony has had enough of managing Kaleena’s music career and to his wife’s surprise, he’s totally washing his hands of the task.
Kaleena is left to fend for herself with her new baby while her husband comes and goes as he pleases. He has a new artist, a new club and some days… he doesn’t even find the time to come home!
The couple argues about the situation and Tony suggests that maybe Kaleena should try to manage her own career cause he no longer has the time to and her ‘career ain’t going no where’. (OUCH!)
Moving on…
Baby Mama Drama…
Last week Yung Joc introduced his lady love, KD, to all his baby’s mamas and the meet & greet didn’t end too well.
This week, KD shares with Joc that she could possible be the newest member in the Baby Mama Club, for she might be pregnant! *sigh*
KD’s child would be Joc’s 9th and she would be his 5th baby mama, so she’s not too happy the situation, but things take a turn for the better when the test comes back negative.
Will Joc and KD stay together?? Only time will tell. In the meantime, at least he doesn’t have to worry about another mouth to feed.
She said ‘YES’…
Mama Dee and her boo Earnest attend a church service together and he decides that the time is perfect to ask her to spend his life with him.
When the pastor asks if anyone wants to testify about the power of love, Earnest takes the opportunity to speak about his past and how he wants Momma Dee to be his future.
Earnest calls Momma Dee to the front of the church, where he confesses his love and admits that he stepped his game up with a bigger and better ring.
On bended knee, Earnest asks for Momma Dee’s hand in marriage and gives her a big rock to prove his love. Momma Dee returns the gesture by taking the mic to sing her single ‘I Deserve’ to her future husband with the church choir as her background singers.
What did you think of this week’s episode of LHHATL??
VIDEO: LHHATL The Aftershow ft. Tammy Roman & Stevie J.