Comedian Katt Williams arrived in Atlanta for his ‘Born Again… Again’ concert last weekend but fans were left dazed and confused when he abruptly walked off stage!
According to several in attendance, Katt hit the stage and performed for about 30 minutes. During the show, he joked about being high on Percocet and after taking a few sips of whatever was in his cup, the comedian ran off stage and never returned.

Katt Williams abruptly walked offstage in the middle of his Atlanta concert Saturday night at Philips Arena. In the video above, an announcer can be heard stating, ‘I want to apologize but Katt’s having some ‘illness issues.’ We just want to tell y’all what’s going on.’
P. Nassau (TheQueenofMedia) shared her experience online, stating:

Instagram user B__Cabral also shared her Katt Williams concert experience, stating:
#Happy365 #38/365 | #KattWilliams said at least 50 times, “Don’t judge. You never know what is going on or what people are going through.” He was #funny. As he always is when I’ve seen him. He did keep having awkward pauses, finally admitted he wasn’t feeling well and asked the crowd to be patient with him. He pressed through another piece of a joke then paused again. After a few swallows of water, he paced, then leaned over on the stool on the stage. Looked around and said calmly into the mic, “I’m sorry. I need a minute. I’m sorry.” And RAN backstage. It legit seemed like something was WRONG. There are several posts online saying he said he was drunk and high, (he didn’t say that). He said he was on medication for both his shoulder injury and a Brown Recluse spider bite (Google that – it will lend perspective). I hope the man is okay. I hope the show tomorrow goes better for him. At the end of the day, in the 30 or so minutes he performed, his message was right: “You never know what a person is going though.”
The popular funnyman scheduled a 2nd Atlanta show the following night, and ticket holders from Saturday were reportedly given the option to attend. Early Sunday, Katt tweeted assurances that he was fine, stating:

But apparently the 2nd show was canceled with no explanation…

No word on the ‘illness’ that Katt Williams was experiencing, but it’s no secret that the comedian has struggled with substance abuse issues in the past. As the concert-goer above stated, we never know what a person is going through, but let’s hope that Katt gets it together soon.