Earlier this week Evelyn Lozada delivered her newborn son and sadly many online and off referred to the innocent infant as her ‘retirement plan’.

Today, Wendy Williams dished about the baby?s birth during the Hot Topics segment of her show, and she stated that Evelyn just gave birth to a ?cash register?… *sigh*
Evelyn, clearly tired of the jokes, didn’t like that at all and hit the tweets to respond.
Watch Wendy’s ‘Hot Topics’ video + read Lozada’s twitter rant below…
Wendy is known for hitting below the belt, and she didn’t hold any punches this time… stating:
I want to congratulate Evelyn Lozada. Evelyn gave birth to a cash register ? I mean a baby boy ? with her fianc?, the $142 million Carl Crawford. I didn?t need to make that cash register joke but you see why it would be said.
Evelyn girl, congratulations. And Carl, like a lot of sports players and a lot of artists, he?s not a bad looking man, but he certainly wasn?t getting the likes of a Evelyn Lozada if he wasn?t playing baseball. You know what I mean? Do you understand what I?m saying?
She upgraded him and now that she?s had the baby, he?s upgrading her. If I were her, I?d be like ?Miami who? Miami what?? I would never go back to Miami.
But wait… there’s more! Wendy continues, stating…
First of all, Evelyn?s a woman of a particular age. She?s like, 40 years old. Somewhere around there. Thirty-eight, forty, forty-one. Thirty-eight? Same difference. Same difference only because to me by the time a woman is 38 years old and has lived ? now remember, her oldest, her only daughter Shaniece is in her 20s. So Evelyn was a young mother. Evelyn also birthed Shaniece out of a basketball player type of situation. That?s why she was on ?Basketball Wives.? Evelyn has clearly lived to the point that right now, this is perfect.
Evelyn, I don?t know where y?all are going to live, hopefully close to Dodgers Stadium. Get yourself a little apron and a little Epsom salt to make sure your man?s joints are all taken care of. Take care of your cash register. And you know what Evelyn? Lose the telephone numbers of all those hating basketball wives who are going to want to hate on your situation. I like Shaunie O?Neal who was the creator of ?Basketball Wives,? but I wold even lose Shaunie?s telephone number. I would start a whole new life as the queen of the castle.
And by the way Evelyn, very smart to name the boy Carl Lee Crawford Jr. just to make ol? cash register over here feel well. Here?s what I?m thinking Ev. You should become involved in a lot of charity work and talk to your man about opening you up another Dulc?. Except Dulc? Beverly Hills, not Dulc? Miami. That was her shoe store that she had, remember? Then she got involved in all the shenanigans on ?Basketball Wives.? She let the shoe store fall by the wayside, but there?s nothing wrong with a wealthy woman having someplace to go every day Ev. You just go around and check on your workers.
Once Evelyn heard Wendy?s report, she hit the tweets to respond, and in doing so, managed to throw a few punches of her own…