Apparently Ray J decided to confront Fabolous at Moon nightclub inside The Palms Casino about some things Fab had been saying about him on twitter and the two began to brawl.
Crazy thing is… 50 Cent was smack dabb in the middle of the entire thing!
TMZ obtained footage of the Vegas nightclub brawl between Ray J and Fabolous and in the clip you can see Fiddy (in the same bright Orange shirt he wore in the ring with Mayweather), standing between Ray and Fabolous … with a big ass grin.
Apparently Fiddy had been egging on the whole thing by Ray to confront Fabolous… and the rest is history.
When the two started to actually fight, Fiddy jumped in to break things up.? Since Ray J allegedly started the fight, he was booted from the club? — but he was not arrested.
Watch video the infamous Vegas brawl between Ray J and Fabolous PLUS hear what Ray J had to say about it below: Continue Reading…
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