Another day, another angry bird…. enter Kenya Moore.
Moore, an avid reader of StraightFromTheA.com, is apparently in her feelings after I posted news that she’s still owes Uncle Sam a whopping $150+ in taxes.
[READ: Kenya Moore’s $150k Tax Debt is STILL Outstanding… ]

The new mom was apparently so upset about her financial tea being spilled, that she hit the net to offer a catty response to my post.
Details below…
Kenya Moore screenshot last week’s post with the following statement:
LIES! I have no tax lien. I also don’t have any debt and great credit. Try again bitches.
Unfortunately for Kenya, the court says otherwise.

There may be several Kenya Moore’s in Atlanta, but I assume only one lives at the address made famous by her appearance on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Now there are several other outlets reporting about Moore’s outstanding tax debt, but she’s clearly feeling somekindaway about mine. I understand though, if I was her, I’d hate me too. I was first to reveal that Kenya LIED about having a peach last season.
She can try to re-write history, but the true story will never change.
It’s also been brought to my attention that Kenya’s jealousy seems to stem from the fact that I’m cordial with several Atlanta area celebs and after all these years, she’s still not on that exclusive list.

I don’t know what Nene would have to do with her outstanding tax debt… but ummkay. Whatever.