Parks apparently forgot how to spell her marital last name in the divorce documents that were filed, which is why no one was able to find documentation of the filing.
[READ: Phaedra Parks Still Claims Mysterious Divorce is Final… ]
[Sidebar: As I’ve stated before, DIVORCE FILINGS IN GEORGIA ARE PUBLIC RECORD. If Phaedra?filed under a fake name to prevent people from finding it, it’s a violation of the law. ?But I digress…]
That being said, Phaedra is being forced to answer to her deceptive actions in court and Apollo has been allow to proceed with his own divorce case, which was filed in their FULL LEGAL NAMES.

TMZ is reporting today that Apollo is fighting because there were?’misspellings’ in the divorce documents but there’s way more to the story than that.
I received the following hot tip via email from an anonymous legal eagle today, which included all of the filed documentation.
to: StraightFromTheA
date: Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 11:30 AM
subject: The Truth About Phaedra and Apollo’s DivorceThe media (i.e., TMZ) is not reporting the entire story regarding Phaedra and Apollo’s divorce. Their stories are very misleading and do not tell the truth.
I am writing to you because I know that you will report the entire truth and story as a straightforward media persona.
The truth is that Phaedra has taken advantage of the judicial system and the fact that Apollo is incarcerated.
When she filed her divorce, she purposely used initials and misspelled their names on every single document including the Divorce Decree. Why not file the divorce in your real, legal names? It’s not just a typo in the Divorce Decree as TMZ made it seem.
It was intentionally done from the beginning in all of the documents that she had drafted and never corrected.
If you look at all the documents, you will see that her Complaint has the wrong names and the divorce orders has all the wrong names, although her lawyers are the ones who prepared them. (this is why no one could find her divorce in the public records and people kept speculating whether they were truly divorced; she was trying to do everything secretly)
Then she shows up at a court date that Apollo never knew about (because he was never served with any notice) and secretly gets those documents signed and asks a Judge to seal the file closed with the wrong names (in an attempt to hide everything from the public). She never got any divorce decree filed with the court to make it official during this time. In order for it to be official, the divorce decree has to be file-stamped and signed.
After finding out all of this, Apollo objects to it.
The Judge reviews everything and reversed what Phaedra did stating that it was not in compliance with Georgia law and that her documents that she had secretly sealed needed to be unsealed and filed in public records because no one knew what was in the sealed envelope–not even the Judge. By this time Apollo had decided to file his own divorce in their proper, legal names to do things the right way and have his day in court.(see attached Judge’s orders.)
After Apollo filed his divorce, then Phaedra got the Final Divorce Decree with their wrong names filed with the Court. But that did not happen until December 5, 2016—after Apollo already filed. (see attached documents with file-stamped dates in top right hand corner)
Apollo has been robbed of an opportunity to at least be heard in his own divorce proceedings. Phaedra purposely misspells their names to be secretive, goes to a court date that Apollo knew nothing about (see Judge’s Order), secretly gets the entire file sealed—including the flawed divorce decree with the wrong names, then when she learns that the Judge ruled against her and would make her unseal everything, she hurries to finally file A Divorce Decree on December 5th then claims she’s been divorced the entire time.
It’s more than just a “typo” when you (as the divorcing party) purposely and intentionally misspell your name throughout the entire case including on the divorce decree.
There were so many flaws and errors that she committed against Georgia law. (see attached court documents for more details)
Now Apollo is forced to fight for his rights as a Father and fight to be heard in his own divorce—all because of how Phaedra has manipulated her way through the judicial system. He wants a divorce just as much as she does, but he wants it to be done fairly through the court system.
Attached are the public records of the request that Apollo made to vacate everything and start over so he can be heard fair and square.
I’m not going to post all 83 pages of these divorce documents online, but you get the point.
What do you think of Phaedra’s shady divorce shenanigans?