Hartwell recently made claims that his soon to be ex is seeking media attention with her outlandish court filings and well… according to an email I received, that may just be the case.

from: Email Removed
to: StraightFromTheA
date: Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 4:37 PM
subject: Keisha Knight PulliamSo your girl Keisha Knight Pulliam is running around town shooting a pilot/sizzle reel for a reality series about her “life” or lack thereof. This Cosby Show sweethart is trying to profit what-so-ever on this “unfortunate” situation. We might have to wonder if this whole thing between her and baby daddy Ed Hartwell is real or just a plot for profit because neither have any real world skills and both lack personality.
NBCUniversal is producing, I think they only took the bait since she had a relationship with them from The Cosby Show days so it looks like it could only end up one of their cable channels (Bravo, E!, Oxygen or TVOne) its weird that she has been pitching reality shows for the last couple of years after her name was thrown around for consideration for RHOA but she shot it down on arrival…because she thought she was too good.
But hey we all have bills and have to eat and Ms. Pulliam will learn to play some sort of role to secure a check even if it requires her to exploit herself for the masses.
Never forget… Keshia DID try out for RHOA but from what I’m told, she was too boring back then for the amount of money she was requesting.
Whatever the case, IF THIS IS TRUE Ed Hartwell is right about his assessment.? It does seem like Keshia is out more now (while pregnant) than ever before.? She was just spotted at the ‘Hidden Figures’ private screening right after that report about her wanting to be on the blawgs came out.