I noticed her photo as I was sitting in the chair taking on my own “weave-free” challenge.
As a certified member of the weave queen club, I’ve always felt that the versatility of fake hair far exceeds the time and effort it takes to take care of my own. But that’s just me.
Then again… ?do y’all?emember the F*ck Natural Hair chick I posted last year?
[READ: For Sistahs Only – To Weave or Not to Weave? VIDEO]
While her sentiments are valid, there comes a time when it’s 105 degrees outside to just let it go.
So while I’m sure there are many other (including Beyonce), who have opted to shed the weaves & wigs because of the weather), I’m calling this Weave Free Wednesday (cause we never know how many inches of brazilian hair tomorrow may bring).
Radio personality & former 106 & Park host Miss Free shed her weave too and returned to her curly short doo…
And while Toya was only weave-free for a hot second, her 32 inches of that premium ultra wavy malaysian makes me wanna head back to the J-Spot to rethink my decision…
I love it!
I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong when it comes to what Black women choose… (this ain’t that kinda party) – Wigs, weaves, braids, naturals, perms, whatever… it’s all good to me!
So while other’s may say stay away for that “creamy crack” or ‘why are you rocking weave if your hair is that long?,’ I think it’s?completely a matter of personal choice and convenience.
I for one, still choose weave but for today at least, I’m weave free.
Shout out to my boo Derek J – Holla at him at The J-Spot Salon for your new weave or weave free doo!
To weave or not to weave…. that is the question? *sigh*