Kenya Moore of The Real Housewives of Atlanta just can’t catch a break these days.
The former Miss America USA was recently put on blast after attempting to ride the wave of Kanye mania by disclosing that he once tried to hit on her…
[READ: Fairytales & Fallacies: Kenya Moore Reveals Kanye Wanted Her + Talks ‘Life After’ RHOA (VIDEO)]
…and? sincer all of the deadbeat details of her eviction drama were actually caught on tape for RHOA Season 6, it seems Kenya is totally on board with keeping the drama going for the cameras.
[READ: Kenya Moore Eviction Taped For Bravo + Her Public Apology To Nene Leakes (VIDEO)]
I received the following tip a few days ago:
FYI…Kenya Moore filed another lawsuit against her landlord to drum up publicity for herself. Landlord was served today.
Apparently Moore wants her security deposit back even though she failed to pay her past due rent and was evicted from the property.
Details below… Continue Reading…
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