The net is still buzzing about Usher shedding tears a day earlier and some blogs have even put photos from the two different days together, suggesting Tameka was smirking while Usher was crying.
That was so not the case… trust me. I was there.
The photo was actually taken during a 5 minute recess. Usher was in the corner checking his phone and Tameka was grabbing crystal light out of her purse and chatting with her attorney who was standing nearby.
But that’s all beside the point. While Tameka definitely isn’t my favorite person in the world, I’m feelin some kinda way about this whole situation. Especially after witnessing Usher’s dramatic “A”zz on the stand first hand.
Peep this… Here’s at least 5 things that most sites AREN”T saying about the court case: Continue Reading…
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