You may have heard that there are efforts to revive the historic Black college reunion previously known as “Freaknik”….
[Read: Freaknik 2010: Are You Ready to Get Your Freak On?]
Well, I honestly feel it’s a bunch of bull-crap. Several promoters are battling it out online and off about who’s actually hosting the event, while time keeps ticking away.
Allegedly, it’s going down this weekend (April 16th – 18th) but all I’ve seen are cheap “A”zz flyers about some car show and random “A”zz email blasts citing “official” Freaknik parties at clubs I’ve never heard of.
I was hit up recently by one of the fake “A”zz promoters, who I won’t even acknowledge cause I don’t want to give him the free press, anywhoo this dude claims that news outlets are wrong about the other promoter and wants his time in the spotlight.
After I offered him advertising, he even offered me an interview for a fee… HAHAHAHAHA! 😆 *fans self* I can’t.
I’ve even heard that these dudes have hit up several media outlets soliciting coverage for a price of $1,000 (WhereDeyDoThatAt?)
This is obviously all about the dough. Now… I don’t know bout you, but the event is just days away so shouldn’t there be some concrete evidence of events by now? Hmmm…. think about it.
Umma need all you fake “A”zz Freaknik promoters to get it together and all you kiddies hoping to experience the joys of the mystical “Freaknik” to beware of the cons.
In the meantime, peep the Freaknik 2010 survival guide…
Video ~ Freaknik 2010 Survival Guide
Props to Greedmont Park for the vid!