Tyrese is known for having foot in his mouth disease and this week, he encountered yet another unfortunate episode.
[READ: Tyrese Shares Disdain For Wigs, Weaves and Plastic Surgery… ]
Twitter was on fire after the ‘Fast & Furious’ star shared his thoughts about ‘promiscuous women who want to get chosen’.? In the video, which was shared by BET, Tyrese advises women who are “still single and holding out” not to be “sluts, skeezers, hoes, tramps, and over-aggressive promiscuous women” who allow men to wine and dine them and put “a lot of mileage down there.”
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According to Tyrese, when you are single and actually love yourself, you’re supposed to hold out from sex until God sends you what’s yours.
VIDEO: Tyrese Gives Women Advice on “How To Get Chosen”
Needless to say, ‘Black Twitter’ wasn’t here for Tyrese’s slut shaming and many felt that BET (who has since deleted the offending tweet) was wrong for even airing his misogynistic message.