Pleasure P has finally spoken up about those recent child molestation allegations. Due to those rumors, P made it all the way to Number 1 in the twitter trending topic, as everyone put in their 2 cents on the story, even I:
There’s more to be revealed about this Pleasure P situation. That twitter page is suspect but the docs arent. Dec 3rd
I question the validity of the page. Even an atty’s assistant would know 2 remove the names of the victim Dec 3rd
I still don’t know for certain if those allegations are true or false but some of it doesn’t add up. P’s NOT registered as a sex offender in Florida, the date on the paperwork and alleged age at the time of the incident are off, his name (Marcus Cooper) is pretty common and the timing is suspect since it’s Grammy season….but then add in the fact that at least one of his former bandmates co-signed the chick who released what she said was documented proof and Pretty Ricky’s statement on the situation and I’m still scratching my head in wonder…? I’m still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though.
Pleasure P’s statement on the molestation allegations below:
The following statement was issued by Marcus Cooper p/k/a Pleasure P through his attorney Robert Meloni, Meloni & McCaffrey, P.C., 1515 Broadway, New York, NY10036; Email:; Tel: (212) 520-6090.
“All of the recent rumors and accusations that are being circulated about me are 100% false. They are disgusting and vile; and they are being spread by individuals with their own sick agendas. The purported documents that are also being circulated are forgeries. I have never met or known anyone by the name of “AGoldstein” or Laura Goldstein or Ashley Goldstein, which I believe are fictitious names. I have never been represented by an attorney named Goldstein. For someone to go to such depths to assassinate my character and slander my good name is truly criminal. My attorneys are investigating this matter and will take all necessary and appropriate action to protect my name and reputation.” (via Pleasure P’s website)