Beyonce has been mostly quiet about her parents divorce but it seems all gloves are off now that her dad tried to air her dirty laundry in the press.
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The 34-year-old hot mom addresses the issues in a newly released single entitled,? ?Ring Off,? an ode to her mother, Tina Knowles, who suffered the public indignity of learning her husband, Mathew Knowles, had cheated and fathered a child out of wedlock.
In the new song, Beyonc? clearly chooses sides as she sings:
Mama, I understand your many sleepless nights?/when you sit and you think about Father?/Or how you tried to be the perfect wife.
You used to dress and fix your hair?/then you smiled through your tears?/in the mirror you would stare?/And say a prayer/?Like, ?I wish he said I?m beautiful?/ I wish it didn?t hurt at all?/I don?t know how I got here?/I was once the one who had his heart.?
Until you had enough then you took that ring off?. You took that ring off?/So tired of the lies and trying, fighting, crying?. Took that ring off. ?Oh, now the fun begins/?Dust yourself off and you love again?/You found a new man now you shine and you?re fine?/Like it?s my time, you took that ring off…
Listen to the full version of ‘Ring Off’ below… Continue Reading…
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