Super Entertainment Attorney Phaedra Parks has been a blog hot topic every since I revealed that she may be the newest housewife on next season’s The Real Housewives of Atlanta. I’ve seen the mugshot and NOPE… I ain’t posting it.
It’s not even about my “free legal services” as one commenter stated. It’s just that Phaedra’s husband’s past isn’t a secret. Not to me. She never tried to keep it hidden and she knew exactly who she was marrying. Phaedra’s a smart, successful, educated Black woman but leave it to US bloggers to create “controversy” where there isn’t any.
Now, before you start going in on me, I already know I’m guilty too. I even told Ms. P that I woulda been the first person to post Apollo’s pic in my Mugshot Mania collection…IF I didn’t already know the deal. But since I do… my conscious won’t allow me to go there just for blog hits.
Phaedra reached out with a response to all the drama after several blogs went in on her hubby’s past.
All y’all catty bishes asking the question why did she marry him… here’s her answer: Continue Reading…
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