But while the ex-con/fashion addict isn’t getting much play on the show, Bravo has graciously offered her a few moments to shine online by not only letting her blow but posting photos of her as a teen to prove her manliness womanhood.
[READ: Marlo Hampton: If I Were A Girl… PHOTOS]
It’s not like I didn’t try to tell y’all in that post that Marko Marlo was really a girl, but he’s apparently still feeling some kinda way about not being believed by the masses.
It’s clear Martavious Marlo spent a lot of money on that sex reassignment surgery to look that good, so she’s hell bent on proving to the world he’s not still packin a peen!
So what does Marmaduke Marlo do? She sends a few photos of her neatly tucked package in a bikini as she vacations in Miami. Continue Reading…
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