The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired the 15th episode of its 8th season last night (February 21, 2016).
Last week’s episode ended with the cliffhanger of Sheree Whitfield delivering news to Kim Fields about how the ladies all discussed her husband’s sexuality.
[READ: RHOA Recap: Season 8, Episode 14 ‘Peaches of the Caribbean’ + Watch Full Video]
This week’s episode is titled ‘Read School is in Session‘ and it picks up as the ladies continue their couple’s trip to Jamaica.
Bravo synopsis:
In the aftermath of the rumors regarding Kim’s husband’s sexuality, Phaedra and Nene offer her some advice on how to stand up against the accusations.
Meanwhile, back in Atlanta, Kandi and Todd struggle to convince a hesitant Aunt Bertha to take part in their family restaurant idea. Will they ever be able to get her on board with the rest of the gang?
As the trip begins to ‘wind down’ in Jamaica, tensions hit a peak between Kim and Kenya, causing Cynthia to once again be caught in the middle.
Read recap below…
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