Mario Marlo Hampton, the background character on
The Real Housewives of Atlanta, has been pretty much missing in action on the show since they ladies came back from South Africa.
But while the ex-con/fashion addict isn’t getting much play on the show, Bravo has graciously offered her a few moments to shine online by not only letting her blow but posting photos of her as a teen to prove her manliness womanhood.
[READ: Marlo Hampton: If I Were A Girl… PHOTOS]
It’s not like I didn’t try to tell y’all in that post that Marko Marlo was really a girl, but he’s apparently still feeling some kinda way about not being believed by the masses.
It’s clear Martavious Marlo spent a lot of money on that sex reassignment surgery to look that good, so she’s hell bent on proving to the world he’s not still packin a peen!
So what does Marmaduke Marlo do? She sends a few photos of her neatly tucked package in a bikini as she vacations in Miami. Continue Reading…
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