The first installment of the Love & Hip Hop Atlanta (Season 1) reunion show aired tonight with producer/creator Mona Scott-Young playing host.
As expected, there was lots of yelling and cursing… pretend fighting and tons of shade thrown throughout the show.
Joseline Hernandez brought out her “hater mask” to block all her haters and while Mona said she’d vouch for JoJo’s lady parts, some are still giving her “koodi kat” the side eye.
[READ: Wanna See Joseline Naked? PHOTOS]
Karlie Redd hit the hot seat, with Scott-Young giving her an opportunity to clear up all the rumors surrounding her age.
Look, I?m beautiful, I?m young. I?m talented. I never tell my age.
While she definitely avoided the question, Redd did point out that she and “Whassername” are actually the same age. Continue Reading…
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