Last week, we were left with a cliffhanger as Nene Leakes and Cynthia Bailey finally faced each other after their epic fall out (click HERE if you missed that).
This week’s episode is entitled, “Love, Marriage & Sour Peaches” and it seems that at least one peach holder is now feeling the burn after her quickie marriage falls apart right in front of our eyes.
Bravo synopsis:
On top of the float for WorldPride, Cynthia and Nene come face-to-face for the first time since their fall-out last year. Porsha grasps the reality that Dennis was unfaithful and plans for her future as a single, working mom. Kandi and Todd bring Ace to an ultrasound appointment with their surrogate to help get him accustomed to having a little sister, and Kenya is forced to acknowledge the growing divide in her long distance marriage.
Recap + watch full episode below…
[VIDEO: Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 12, Episode 4 “Love. Marriage & Sour Peaches”]
Cynthia and Nene are cordial…
Nene finally gets the chance to give Cynthia a piece of her mind, but she instead plays it cool. The former friends share space on the Bravo float during World Pride day and while they were initially on opposite sides of the float, Nene makes her way over to Cynthia’s side to say “hello”.
[PHOTOS: #RHOA stars celebrate World Pride on Bravo float… ]
Cynthia brings along her daughter, Noelle (who recently came out as a lezzbun) who seems stunned that Nene would speak.
Noelle even asks her mom was it “ok” that Nene spoke to her… (did she need permission to speak?).
Nevertheless, Nene and Cynthia both remain cordial and even shared a brief hug during the ride.
Nene notes that the gays love her and she’s there for the celebration with no drama.
Marlo calls Eva a BROKE Fraud…
Eva is still in her feelings about Marlo being the bone carrier when her bridesmaid spilled all her tea last season.
When Marlo arrives to the float, Eva makes a comment to Cynthia under her breath referring to the fashionable friend as “Nene’s lapdog”.
Eva doesn’t say anything to Marlo directly, but in her confessional she admits that she has nothing for Marlo because she always has something negative to say.
Later Eva and Cynthia go out to dinner and Marlo meets them out. Cynthia decides to “warn” Eva about Marlo’s arrival and Eva decides to take her duck to go.
“Going forward I just need to make sure that everybody knows about anybody showing up.. if they ain’t checking for them.” ~ Cynthia
[Sidebar: Is that Cynthia admitting she was wrong in not letting Nene know about Kenya last season?? Interesting shift. But I digress.]
As Eva leaves, Marlo calls her out for being a fraud. Says Eva is living a fraud life and she’s broke. She also calls Eva a bi-sexual that won’t come out.
Cynthia chooses to change the subject to keep things positive and she turns the conversation to Nene (as usual). Bailey says that Nene dragged her through the blawgs and she’s not the one who should take the high road this time.
Marlo tries to play peacekeeper and tries to convince Cynthia to sit down with Nene like she sits with Eva and have a real conversation.
Cynthia says she’s not ready yet and she doesn’t feel Nene is either.
Porsha hits counseling alone…
During episode 2, Porsha ran out of her counseling session, but we never saw Dennis enter or exit. Williams claimed that Dennis admitted to cheating on her during the session, but most of the internet doesn’t even believe he was in attendance.
This week, Porsha attends another counseling session and apparently Dennis wasn’t invited to this session either.
Porsha is recorded alone during the session as she shares how devastated she is that Dennis cheated on her when she was pregnant. The new mom claims “the door is closed” on their relationship after the betrayal but hopes they may be able to co-parent effectively.
In addition to claiming the relationship is over, Williams also admits that she may one day be able to forgive Dennis… a fact which we already know since they never truly broke up (click HERE if you missed that).
Williams seems to be flip flopping about her feelings for Dennis just for camera time and I’m not buying it.
Moving on.
Nene leaves Marlo hanging…
Marlo and Nene sit down for a lunch date. The fashionable “friend” of the show shows up in sequins yet again (in the middle of the day).
Hampton feels its the perfect time to discuss her recent dinner date with Cynthia.
Marlo seems stunned that Eva is salty at her for what her own bridesmaid said about her. I mean… she didn’t make the tea, she just spilled it, right??
The topic soon turns to Nene & Cynthia and Nene says she’s hurt that Cynthia went on a whole promo tour to talk bad about her.
Nene seems to get emotional in her confessional stating she loved Cynthia like a sister but she notes that there’s another side to her former friend. “Just like there’s a Nay Nay there’s a 52 Cynt…”
Marlo tries to ‘check’ Nene like she told Kandi she would, but things don’t go as planned. Nene flips the script and tells Marlo to mind her own business. “It’s personal. You need to stay out of it”.
Leakes says that she’s not the one who needs to apologize because she’s not the only person at fault. When Marlo tries to mediate, Nene walks out on her.
The conversation is over.
Kandi and Kenya seem to be bonding as they share two scenes this week. During their first scene, Kenya comes to share some time with her new friend and they both reveal that they have November babies.
Kandi’s new daughter was born by surrogate just last Friday (click HERE if you missed that) and Kenya reveals that Brooklyn was born November 3, 2018.
[Sidebar: Kenya shadily announced the birth on the November 4, 2018, which was the day RHOA season 11 premiered without her.]
Kenya seems to be seeking some validation from Kandi about the problems she’s having in her relationship. For some reason, Kenya sees Kandi as having a similar marriage to hers but apparently Kandi isn’t having the same issues.
[FLASHBACK: Kenya Moore Reportedly Struggling With Being A Single Mom… ]
Later, the former beauty queen reveals that her sex life suffered when she got pregnant and as her belly got bigger, Marc got more distant.
Kandi confides that when she was pregnant, her sex life diminished but after Ace was born it picked right back up again.
Kenya also reveals that she went on their “anniversary trip” alone because Marc didn’t want to hire a nanny to take with them.

When Kandi asks why Kenya doesn’t tell Marc how she feels, she begins to cry and states that it’s hard because things escalate and there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Kandi was even stunned to hear that, stating, “it’s almost like he isn’t even trying to be there.”
Now hold up… wait a minute. How can things be so unbearable when Marc is barely there?!?
Kandi can’t compute either and asks Kenya if Marc calls her “out her name” and apparently Kenya wants us to believe there’s more to the story that she’s not ready to share.
In her confessional, Kenya admits that Marc was more careful with his tone when they first got together but as time went on it’s like ‘no holds barred’. Sounds like karma to me… and Bravo apparently feels the same as they air clips from Kenya’s history of name calling.
When producer asks “how does he speak to you and what is his tone like?” Kenya says she “can’t” answer the question.
Sadly, Kenya feels that she has to protect her daughter from her husband’s vicious mouth because she doesn’t want to submit her young child to her “toxic” relationship.
What are your thoughts about this week’s episode?