An Atlanta man was recently faced with an embarrassing drama filled situation when his transgendered girlfriend decided to put their relationship on blast via Facebook live.
The video of the altercation went viral as the ‘girlfriend’ took her issues to the man’s job in an effort to make him walk his truth and “force” him out of the closet.
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In the video above, the trans woman forces her boyfriend out of the car at a local mall and then proceeds to tell anyone in the parking lot who would listen that the man was a “tranny chaser” and a fag. ? To add further humiliation, she even goes to his job and asks to speak with the manager.
Shortly after the video went viral, the trans woman returned to the airwaves to discuss the situation and surprisingly… her “boo” was right there by her side.

In the video above, the scorned “woman” admits she chose to publicly humiliate this man over the fact that he had not publicly claimed her but says it was all a mistake because her heart took over her brain.
I know it’s a long video but it’s interesting to say the least, especially in light of the entire Bobby V. situation.