Porsha Stewart Williams of The Real Housewives of Atlanta?has been called out time and time again about her brain power (or lack thereof) and she’s starting to feel the heat!
Williams recently hit up Bravo Andy’s ‘Watch What Happens Now’ to address the controversy surrounding her lack of knowledge about the Underground Railroad.
[READ: Fan Mail: I’m Outraged Porsha Doesn’t Know About The Underground Railroad!!]
Andy gave Porsha 15 seconds to respond to her critics, and she claims she just had a momentary brain lapse. ?She also states she’s been trying to read up on her Black history.
The officially divorced ‘housewife also feeling some kinda way about the way y’all have been blasting her for renting that 8000sq foot home shown on the show last week!
[RECAP: 7 Life Lessons Revealed During RHOA S6 Ep11 + Watch Full Episode]
In fact, the officially divorced ‘housewife’ is so much in her feelings, that she’s decided to snitch on a few of her cast mates, stating via twitter, that she’s not the only one leasing their palatial estate.

The following ‘fan mail’ was received from a loyal reader recently after my friend Funky Dineva revealed that Chuck Smith’s wife, Mynique’s name wasn’t on the deed to their Atlanta home (click HERE if you missed that).
While I personally don’t think the name on the deed thing is that crucial, (hell, if you’re married it all comes out in the wash anyway), it seems that Dineva’s post really struck a nerve.
[READ: Mynique Smith Implies Deed Information Is Wrong… ]
Whatever the case, others have followed suit and are doing research on their own. ?Peep this email…
From: (email removed by request)
Date: January 13, 2014 at 10:28:32 PM EST
To: StraightfromtheA
Subject: NAMES ON DEEDSI read your blog about Monique Smith’s name not being on the deed at Chuck’s house which could have different reasons as to why BUT the shade just can’t go to the women b/c only 3 ladies on the show actually own or are buying their homes and not one damn husband or boo thang are on their house’s tax records either. You can have your contact look up the tax records or you can try Zillow or Trulia to see if they will show the owners and info.
Only 3 ladies on the show actually own or are buying their homes and not one damn husband or boo thang are on their house’s tax records either. You can have your contact look up the tax records or you can try Zillow or Trulia to see if they will show the owners and info.
#1—Phaedra Parks or Phaedra P. Nida has 2 homes—- [ADDRESSE REMOVED] Smyrna and her new crib in Buckhead/Chastain [ADDRESSED REMOVED] that was $850k. Apollo’s name is no where in the tax records.
Kandi Burruss she has 2 homes also plus her studio on Whitehall St that she bought out right for?$137k. She’s had her house in College Park forever so Todd wasn’t in the picture back then but her new home at [ADDRESS REMOVED] one she lives in with Todd but his name ain’t no wheres to be found in the tax records. She paid $500k cash for it. No mortgage baby and again no Todd’s name either.
Now I don’t know what her middle name is but if it starts with a ‘L’ then Kandi is REALLY BALLING b/c there are 3 other properties that are in Kandi L. Burruss’ name. Kandi Burruss and Kandi L. Burruss are how the diff tax records are listed for the 6 properties. She is no fool with her money.
Then there is Cynthia Bailey. She’s buying her home in the Glenwood Park area. It’s beautiful over there. [ADDRESS REMOVED] Ahh again ain’t no husband’s name in the tax records maybe b/c she bought it in 2008 before her marriage to Papa Smurf Peter.
Oh well that’s my 2 cents worth which you can take 1000% credit for and leave me out of it. I have more tea and will send to you once I have more info and total confirmation.
That’s very interesting about the ‘househusbands’ NOT being on the deed… but again. It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things (i.e. Prenups & stuff).
But through the process of elimination, that leaves Porsha Stewart, Kenya Moore and Nene Leakes, as the ‘half’ Porsha outed about leasing their homes. (Not a shock… to me anyway.)