[READ: OG Bobby Brown Gets 55 Day Jail Sentence + Things Fans Should Do In His Honor…]
News quickly spread that Brown would possibly spend only 9 days in the clink due to over crowding:
?The time expected, all things being equal, is about eight days,? said Los Angeles County sheriff?s spokesman Steve Whitmore.
?But he could get out in a matter of days and go on electronic monitoring. It?s really tough to say exactly.?
Welp… it seems that estimate was grossly exaggereated!
[FLASHBACK: Watch Being Bobby Brown (Pilot Episode) – VIDEO]
Bobby is now free to move on after spending only a few hours in jail.
Details below…
According to TmZ, Brown was in and out of jail in record speed…. 9 hours to be exact.
Brown checked into L.A. County Jail at 9:58 AM Wednesday. He was released at 6:58 PM. Interesting … an L.A. County Sheriff’s spokesperson said just days ago Brown would serve 9 days … but the jails are bursting at the seams and this is what happens … kind of a joke, don’t you think?
Brown was arrested in October after driving erratically on an L.A. street. He pled no contest to DUI and driving on a suspended license. It was his second DUI arrest in 7 months.
Just for the record, I don’t think anyone has ever beaten Lindsey Lohan’s 84 minute jail stint, but I’m sure Bobby Broke somebody’s jail record… somewhere!? It’s a clear testament to how incredibly screwed up L.A.’s justice system is.
Brown remains on 4 years probation and has been ordered to attend alcohol education classes for the next 18 months.
He is now free to move about the country so y’all can ditch all the ‘Free Bobby Brown’ t-shirts…