Tech-savvy adulterers are said to be relying on multiple social media and secret email accounts to hide their infidelity from their significant others.
[READ: Should There Be A ‘Rulebook’ on Facebook Relationships?]
One-third of cheaters in the survey admitted they used a social media account their partner was unaware of (having a ?fake? Facebook profile was the most popular form of ‘social media infidelity’ with at least 67% of cheaters surveyed having more than one facebook account).
[FLASHBACK:?Bob Whitfield: 7 Reasons Why Women Cheat…?]
The remaining ‘cheaters’ polled say they?used secret email and Twitter accounts as their online tools of choice.
?Unfortunately, the Internet lends itself to secret behaviors,? relationship expert and author Logan Levkoff told the Daily News.
?It just offers more avenues [to cheat].?
[READ:?Warning! FaceBook Destroys Marriages?]
As if we didn’t already know this.
Online cheaters reveal secrets about their social media habits below…
According to the NYDailyNews, most cheaters created the sneaky accounts so they could present themselves as single.
Some admitted to sending explicit photos through their fake social media accounts, while most said they merely wanted a private place to ?talk? to potential flings.
Nearly 2,400 American adults were surveyed. All had cheated on their partner at least once in the last year.
?With constant interaction with prospective partners at your fingertips, it is no wonder that people are finding it more and more difficult to stay committed to one relationship,? chairman Mark Pearson told the Daily News.
?The ability to create and maintain a second profile ? a second life ? has become easier and quicker than ever before.?
But before you make up that fake profile, just know that using technology to cheat isn’t as foolproof as two-timing lovers may think.
Over half of the cheaters surveyed admitted that their significant others discovered their online exploits.
?The dark side of technology is that you are constantly ?on? and with a 24/7, information-based society, it is hard to keep anything personal or private for long,? Pearson said.
?Cheating while using social media always carries with it the slight risk of getting caught, but this time in front of hundreds of your so-called Facebook friends.? Technology might have changed cheating, but it hasn?t changed cheaters, said Levkoff, a self-described ?sexologist.?
?People who want to cheat will always find a way to do it,? she said.
I guess if there’s a will there’s always a way… wifi or not!
Do you feel social media has made it easier to cheat???