Questions about the 24 year old singer’s sexuality surfaced when lyrics on his forthcoming album Channel Orange revealed that he could possibly be bisexual. After receiving an advance copy of the release, a UK blogger noted that Ocean made references to a “he” instead of a “she” on a couple of ballads, prompting the rumor mill to swirl.
The singer released a letter last night via twitter that he reportedly wrote back in December 2011, prefaced by the following statement:
BasedGod was right – we?re all a bunch of golden million dollar babies. my hope is that the babies born these days will inherit less of the bullshit than we did. anyhow, what i?m about to post is for anyone who cares to read.
it was intended to fill the thank you?s section in my album credits, but with all the rumors going round.. i figured it?d be good to clarify..
The typewritten letter, which reveals Ocean’s thoughts and feelings about his sexuality and was released early in light of the rumors.
While I feel that it’s clearly a non-muthflockin’ factor if Ocean is gay or straight, he is certainly entitled to speak his peace, especially if he feels “outed.”
Read Frank Ocean’s heartfelt letter below, detailing his first love at 19 (who happened to be a “he”)…
Whoever you are, wherever you are. I’m starting to think we’re a lot alike. Human beings spinning on blackness all wanting to be seen. Touched. Heard. Paid attention to. My loved ones are everything to me here. For the last year or 3 Ive screamed at my creator. Screamed at clouds in the sky. For some explanation. Mercy maybe. For peace of mind to rain like Manna somehow.
4 summers ago, I met somebody. I was 19 years old. He was too. We spent that summer, and the summer after, together. Everyday almost. And on the days we were together, time would glide. Most of the day I’d see him, and his smile. I’d hear his conversation and his silence … until it was time to sleep. Sleep I would often share with him. By the time I realized I was in love, it was malignant. It was hopeless…
I sat there and told my friend how I felt. I wept as the words left my mouth. I grieved for them, knowing I could never take them back for myself. He patted my back. He said kind things. He did his best, but he wouldn’t admit the same. He had to go back inside soon. It was late and his girlfriend was waiting for him upstairs. He wouldn’t tell me the truth about his feelings for me for another 3 years. I felt like I’d only imagined reciprocity for years. Now imagine being thrown from a cliff. No, I wasn’t on a cliff, I was still in my car telling myself it was gonna be fine and to take deep breaths. I took the breaths and carried on. I kept up a peculiar friendship with him because I couldn’t imagine keeping up my life without him. I struggled to master myself and my emotions. I wasn’t always successful.
Before writing this I’d told some people my story. I’m sure these people kept me alive, kept me save … sincerely, these are the folks I wanna thank from the floor of my heart. Everyone of you knows who you are … great humans, probably angels. I don’t know what happens now, and that’s alrite. I don’t have any secrets I need kept anymore. There’s probably some small shit still, but you know what I mean. I was never alone, as much as I felt like it … as much as I still do sometimes. I never was. I don’t think I ever could be. Thanks. To my first love. I’m grateful for you. Grateful that even though it wasn’t what I hoped for and even though it was never enough, it was. Some things never are … and we were. I won’t forget you. I won’t forget the summer. I’ll remember who I was when I met you.
Thanks. To my mother, you raised me strong. I know I’m only braved because you were first … so thank you. All of you. For everything good. I feel like a free man. If I listen closely … I can hear the sky falling too.
– Frank
There are so many people struggling with the feelings that Frank has gone through and I’m sure he’s still struggling.
While again… I don’t think it should have been an issue one way or another, his heartfelt message should at least allow those who felt the need to “out” his sexuality to move on.
Frank is definitely a hero for his courage to stand in his truth and I commend him…. especially since there are so many other artists in similar situations who will NEVER admit to being who they are. Sad huh?
Feel free to share your thoughts on Frank Ocean’s revelation…