Dash, who was unceremoniously replaced on VH1’s popular sitcom “Single Ladies,” worked alongside Terrell Owens a few months ago in a film entitled “Dysfunctional Friends.”
[READ: Stacey Dash & Terrell Owens are “Dysfunctional Friends” ~ PHOTOS + VIDEO]
The film was released back in February to limited theatres through AMC Independent, but I haven’t heard much feedback about it one way or the other.
Whatever the case, Dash appears happy and very well rested in these recent photos…
I love this look… 🙂
Remember how Dash looked last August when all the drama was going on with her contract? (click HERE to refresh your memory). In comparison, she looks about 10 years younger. I ain’t mad… not at all!
How old is Stacey again? Unemployment does a body good!