While most of y’all were going in on me for being the first to bring Marlon Marlo’s psychological imbalances to light, it would seem that as time goes by, my theory is proven correct.
As if Mario Marlo’s mugshot’s weren’t enough proof, I provided a letter from the family of her DECEASED victim (still not enough). Then this heffa sends me that stupid cease & desist letter talmbout I was ruining her reputation by calling her “Shady”.
[READ: Marlo Hampton’s Attorney’s Want You To Know… ]
Oh yeah… let’s not forget about Marlo’s issues with the African girls’ nappy hair.
But that’s all in the past, right? Marquavious Marlo is finally showing her true colors, so I can ease up a bit and let her do it herself.
That being said… Markethion Marlo hit her blog to tell you about how designer clothes mean the world to her and if you have a Mom and a Dad you ain’t bout that life!
Clothes is where it started, but pretty things of all kinds would soon take over as family, and a connection to them, became more and more fleeting. Pretty hair would follow clothes, then furniture and eventually a pretty home.
[Sidebar: First comes furniture, THEN comes a home? Aiight then… 😕]
But wait… there’s more! Continue Reading…
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