[READ: Shocker! Tupac Sex Tape Surfaces]
There’s now a bidding war going on for the footage with at least two porn companies battling it out to buy the rights to the Tupac Shakur sex tape and reportedly the first bid was well into 6-figures!
According to TMZ:
… one of the potential buyers is a site called YouPorn — and YouPorn honcho Corey Price tells us the site has made an official offer to pay $150k for the tape.
According to sources, the person in possession of the tape believes the offer is “way too low” — and is willing to hold out for more money.
We’re told the seller has been in contact with a second, unidentified porn site, which has vowed to to beat the current offer — but only if it can screen the footage first.
Sounds about right. Try if before you buy it… that’s what I always say.