At the end yesterday’s episode of Oprah, the talk show host addressed two pressing questions from all of her Twitter People…aka “Tweeple.” First was “Am I tweeting myself or is my assistant writing for me?” and the second was “Am I wearing a weave? Everybody’s like, ‘Oprah, we love your weave.’
She clarified that she is in fact, in charge of her own twitter by stating, “I tweet myself, that’s why you haven’t seen that many tweets. I can’t tweet all day, okay?” Then addressed the weave question via twitter (above) and also on the air with “This is not a weave, this is my hair!”
I always say that a hit dog will hollar, but hey, she may be telling the truth. I just don’t understand what all the hoopla is about if she is.? Anywhoo, check out the photo she displayed on air of herself pre-makeup with her hair unstyled below: *Warning* It ain’t pretty!
I love you Oprah, but you’ve proven nothing except that you really need make-up in your life!
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