Christina’s embarrassing “wardrobe” malfunction occurred while she belted out Etta James’ classic song “At Last” and had more to do with what she was NOT wearing than what she was wearing.
The soulful songstress wore a Black suit that revealed her buxom bosom and her performance of Etta James’ classic song was AMAZING… but sadly all of that was forgotten when Aguilera experienced a bit of errrr ummm “leakage” when her Aunt Flow paid a visit smack dabb in the middle of her stage performance!
And yes… I’m serious…
I feel so bad for her…
I wish I could say nobody noticed… but clearly everyone did. 😕
We’ve all had unspeakable accidents and it’s possible that her period started suddenly while she was in the middle of the song. Shit happens.
BUT…? shouldn’t she have known that it was on the way and took some precautions? There are period apps now that are hella accurate ya know. So is there really any excuse for this? *sigh*
Will Aguilera EVER live this one down?
VIDEO: Christina Aguilera Sings “AT LAST” – Etta James Funeral
VIDEO: Christina Aguilera Speaks About Singing At James Funeral
*Update* US Weekly Claims It Was Christina’s Spray Tan that caused the ummmm “leakage”…
“It was her proudest moment,” the source explains. “The sweat caused her spray tan to streak.”