Quick Quotes: Killer Mike on Mo’Nique: “I Would’ve Took The $500k And Flipped It…” (VIDEO)

Killer Mike recently hit the net to offer his take on the Mo’Nique Netflix controversy.

[READ: Issa Lie! Mo’Nique disputes Reports Netflix Offered Her $3 Million… ]

The Atlanta native recently shared his thoughts about the comedian’s decision to walk away from the streaming giant’s $500,000 offer and call for a boycott.

Mike eloquently states how if he were Mo’Nique, he would have totally taken the “lowball” offer, rocked the comedy special and THEN returned to the table prepared to negotiate.

Check out the video below…

Killer Mike advice was so on point!? I just wish he had got to Mo’Nique before she hit the promo circuit…

What are your thoughts about Killer Mike’s assessment of Mo’Nique’s situation?

Agree? Or Nah?