Kopycat Kenya Moore Strikes Again! Targets Porsha Stewart’s Hair Line…

Kenya Moore of The Real Housewives of Atlanta was spotted in New York for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week look a little less than ‘fashionable’.

Miss ‘Gone with the wind Fabulous’ rocked a comfortable pair of purple espadrilles paired with a green mini sundress as she rubbed elbows with the who’s who of the fashion world.

Poor baby. She’s really trying to style herself these days huh? Anywhoo…

Moore still can’t find herself but she’s still seeking.? Having copied ideas from just about everyone on the housewives, she’s now set her xerox machine on Porsha Stewart’s hair line.

[READ: Wanna See Porsha Stewart Naked with Weave? (PHOTOS)]

Kenya revealed her ‘copycat’ intentions via twitter.

Details + more photos of Kenya from NYFW below…

Kenya Moore and Miss Jay at New York Fashion Week Celebrity Lounge…

Chile I guess…

Remember when Moore claimed to Phaedra that she closed million dollar deals? I’m starting to think this chick is delusional ‘IN REAL LIFE’.

Only time will tell.

In the meantime, check out how even more ‘fabulous’ Marlo looks standing beside Kenya…

Now THAT’s how you rock fashion week Miss Marlo…

[I can hate on Marlo’s criminal past all day long, but never on her fashion sense!]

What do you think of Kenya’s plot to follow Porsha into the hair business?

Enough is enough? or Business is business?