Chris Brown Says He Considered Suicide After Beating Rhianna In ‘Welcome To My Life’ Documentary… [VIDEO]

Chris Brown has a documentary about his life coming out soon and in a recent clip, he reveals how he felt after beating his ex-girlfriend, singer Rihanna, black & blue.

[FLASHBACK: What Really Happened Between Chris Brown & Rihanna… (Blow By Blow)]

In a?documentary titled “Welcome to My Life,” Brown chronicles his rise to fame and the relationship with Rihanna that almost landed him in prison.

In a recently released clip, the superstar singer says he felt like a monster after the incident and as he watched it all play out in the media, he even considered suicide.

Watch the clip below…

VIDEO: Chris Brown ‘Welcome to My Life’ Documentary (Official Trailer)

In all honesty, he doesn’t seem too remorseful about the situation… just a bit vindictive about his fall from grace.

Whatever the case, Brown finally gets to share his thoughts on the situation with the world…

How do you feel about Chris Brown’s documentary ‘confession’?