#RHOA Season 8 Cast Tea: Transgender Model Amiyah Scott is NOT an Atlanta ‘Housewife’ + Kim Fields Returns… [PHOTOS]

A rumor has spread like wildfire that transgender model Amiyah Scott will be a brand new addition to The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

As you know, it’s the 8th season for the popular reality show and they are taking on a few new faces in light of losing their star player, Nene Leakes.

With Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn combined with ex- ‘housewife’ Sheree Whitfield‘s return to the show (she’s been mistaken for a drag queen on more than one occasion — CLICK HERE if you missed that), many assume that now is the perfect time to add a real live LGBT ‘housewife’.

While it’s true that producers have been scrambling to find exciting story lines, sadly, Amiyah won’t be holding a peach.

You want the REAL tea about Amiyah Scott joining RHOA?? Well here it is….

Details below…

Despite what you’ve read online, I’ve heard from SEVERAL trustworthy sources that Amiyah Scott will NOT be an official ‘housewife.’

If you’ve been a fan of the show for a while, you know that seeds are planted so to create a buzz and Amiyah is this year’s ‘seed’.

TMZ was first to report news that Amiyah would be joining the show, stating:

Producers of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” have figured out a way to fill the shoes NeNe Leakes … and it starts with the first transgender woman to appear on the show.

TMZ has learned … Amiyah Scott will join the cast next season. Amiyah is a model who was born Arthur and began her transformation 10 years ago when she was 17.

Amiyah has been romantically linked to a number of rappers.

I’m almost positive that this lil seed was planted by one of Bravo’s hired guns, but unfortuantely the reports aren’t factual.

It’s true that Amiyah filmed the other night along with the ‘real’ cast members during the Bronner Brother’s hair show and she may be in an episode or two, but Scott is not a full fledged cast member.

As I stated in previous posts, Marlo Hampton and Cynthia Bailey’s sister Mallory are this year’s ‘friends’ of the show. Claudia got the boot, Sheree returns with a peach, Porsha is fighting to get her peach back.

I was told a few weeks ago that Kim Fields (who has been filming with the ladies all Summer) was a bit too ‘dry’ during her segments and wouldn’t be appearing on the show.

It seems that producers may have had a change of heart, for Fields was spotted filming Sunday evening as well.

Kim Fields (center) with Marlo and Cynthia…

I’ve also heard that Kim’s return may mean that a ‘regular’ peach is up for grabs. I don’t see Kandi going anywhere… Cynthia has her sister by her side and all that drama with Peter and his ‘alleged’ cheating scandal, and Phaedra has her new working ‘single mom’ story line to focus on… but Porsha’s peach was already ‘iffy’ so this could mean that her peach is solidified.

It’s all speculation at this point, but it’s looking like Nene’s departure could be a good thing in that it’s forcing producers to come up with some intriguing stories.

This all could be interesting…

What do you think of the ‘transgendered housewife’ rumor??

Believe it? Or Nah?