They Say: The REAL Creator of #SororitySisters Is An AKA… [EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS]

The time has come for ‘Sorority Sisters’ to come to an end and as I type this, the embattled reality show is airing it’s final episodes.

[READ: Grand Opening/Grand Closing: VH1 Ends ‘Sorority Sisters’ Early… ]

I received an email today regarding vh1’s controversial series which claims that the creator of the show is a ‘Sorority Sister’ herself!

Here’s some tea to sip on this weekend…

from: Media Leak

to: StraightFromTheA

date: Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 12:27 PM

subject: Celebrity : Turns Out an AKA CREATED SORORITY SISTERS NOT Mona

Turns out the creator, developer and producer of VH1?s Sorority Sisters is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha! Shanta Mayes is the show creator, developer, and producer not Mona Scott Young. Makes sense how Mayes would know all the drama and tea that happens in a sorority. Mayes produced, directed and developed the pilot for the show. How crazy is that! But that?s no surprise she help produced Love & Hip Hop Hollywood as well and other Love & Hip Hop series.

As shown on her public facebook page. She went to school with Adrene at Clark Atlanta University. Hence why Adrene is a main lead and character. One wonders will Alpha Kappa Alpha also suspend the main show producer and creator? After all isn?t she the one that created this uproar and controversy in the Greek community. And why wouldn’t the show creator come to defend themselves.

Mayes brags about her 5.3 millions viewers for Love and Hip Hop, but never bragged about the show she created? With Ratings and sweeps starting January 29 an ending February 25. Sorority Sisters was suppose to bring in the bucks for VH1. Now they are running SNL shows.

Should Mayes be suspended because she tried to exploit her own sorority?

That’s some interesting information… and IF TRUE, Shanta Mayes should definitely answer to her sorority.

I was wondering why only the cast members faced backlash when I’m almost positive there were other sorority members involved in the conception and development of the show.

While this could all just be a ploy to get Mona off the hook, IF TRUE, shouldn’t this chick face the same consequences as her AKA ‘sorority sisters’?

What do you guys think of this sticky ?’Sorority Sisters’ situation?

[Disclaimer: Emails posted with ‘Fan Mail’ posts are submitted by readers of and are protected by federal statute 47 U.S.C. 230. The contents do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of and I can not confirm 100% accuracy of any information included in the email.]