Fan Mail: What’s Different About Marlo Hampton? [PHOTOS]

After being gone from the scene for a few monts,?Marlo Hampton, the former background character on season 4 of the Real Housewives of Atlanta?was recently spotted out and about in Atlanta.

A drastic change in Hampton’s appearance prompted the following email from loyal reader “TiffanyM”

date: Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 4:24 PM

subject: Marlo Hampton

Hello Michelle,

I didn’t want to post a link to another blog in the comments section of your page but i know if anyone can get to the bottom of this, you can! 🙂

Has Marlo had recent work done to her face?

My coworkers and I are having a debate on this, and even if you don’t reply, we will be checking your blog to see if you notice the changes as well.


Thanks for the heads up Tiffany! Yes… I noticed something different as well and I think I may know what it is…

The photo on the right is Martavious Marlo back in May 2012 and the new photo was posted by TalkingWithTami, who spotted Marlo at the JeffreyCares Fashion event in Atlanta last weekend.

While there isn’t too much of a difference, I’m thinking Marko Marlo got her nose pinched a bit or maybe even a brow lift.

I could be wrong but who cares… it’s merely speculation anyway. But here are a few photos Martin Marlo shared online last week and his face does look quite “tighter”…

?Marlon Marlo may be unemployed but he’ll forever be fly!

Do you notice anything different about Marlo?