EXCLUSIVE! The Family of Marlo Hampton’s Deceased Victim Wants You To Know…

For some odd reason, people think I don’t like Marlo Hampton, the new background character on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Honestly, I’ve never met the woman but I do consider myself having a sense of discernment when it comes to shady people and every day my spidey senses tingle as more and more info (TEA) turns up about Ms. Hampton.sips tea

I was the first to bring her to your attention and was honestly excited about the prospect of NeNe Leakes having a real arch nemisis but sadly it wasn’t meant to be as she won’t be an “official” part of the RHOA CAST.

[READ: Rumor Control: Why Marlo Hampton Will NOT be a “Real Housewife” on RHOA]

I know I’ve been hinting about the TEA I’d gotten on Marlo, and thank you guys for being so patient.

Here’s the TEA. Take a long sip…

Tonight on RHOA, NeNe and Marlo have a sit down where Hampton explains about her extensive criminal past, which she blamed on growing up in foster care in Florida.

People act like they don’t have a past. I’ve had problems in my life. I’ve had a couple of run ins with the law. I hope you don’t take it a certain kinda way and not wanna be my friend because…

I been arrested 7 times…

I dunno if you’ve noticed, but Bravo has been reeeeally careful about including Marlo on their site and she’s rarely seen in recaps and “official” Bravo snapshots.

Here’s why…

Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 12:33 PM

To: “MBrown@straightfromthea.com”

Hello M. Brown,

My name is [name removed], and the young lady that Marlo slaughtered was my sister, [name removed].

My sister?s son, and my family does not have any ill feelings towards Marlo. That?s between her and God.

All that we ask is for her not to refer to my sister as a bitch or even mention her name, because she has passed away.

We wish her luck in her career.

Marlo’s initial arrest in 1998, stemmed from an Aggravated Battery w/Great Bodily Harm charge.

As she explains on the show tonight, Hampton was involved in an “altercation in a club” where she slashed a girl’s face open with a razor (or some other sharp object) in an apparent argument over a man.

Hampton’s victim was horribly dis-figured and is said to have almost bled to death in the club that night.

Marlo was picked up on the charge (where she smiled and posed for her first of 7 mugshots). Sources say she didn’t think there was a chance in hell that she’d be convicted on the charge.

It took almost a year, but unfortunately for Marlo, several witnesses came forward and even one of her friends chose to testify in the case, after seeing what Marlo had done to the poor girl’s face.

[Sidebar: When a person does something like SLASH A FACE, they have a jealous vindictive spirit and are most likely seeking to disfigure the person who they view as prettier then them. WATCH OUT CYNTHIA BAILEY!!! I’m sure there’s some psychological term for it, but I’m not trying to go there.]

Apparently the “bitch” statement referenced in the family’s email refers to something Marlo allegedly said about “cutting a bitch” or “fighting a bitch” or something of that nature, when someone asked her about the altercation.

Also, in case you were wondering why someone with so much drama under their belt would WANT to be featured on the worlds messiest reality show, it’s probably because she’s confident that the victim in the situation will NEVER come forward to discuss specifics of the case.

In 2005, 6 years after Marlo viciously disfigured her face, the 33 year old Florida woman chose to leave her son behind and committed suicide by jumping off of a Florida bridge.

I recieved a call stating she had jumped to her death, she was a beautiful, strong minded young woman who leaves behind a son.

We will never honestly know what drove her to this decision, or what drove her to that moment of desperation, we do know that she left behind fun, loving memories.

May her soul rest in peace.

While it will NEVER be clear what drove the young mother to take her own life. One thing’s for sure, having her face scarred for life definitely couldn’t help!

I’m sure there will be inquiries about the victim’s identity after this post. However, I PERSONALLY chose not to include her name even though it’s public record.

This is all about Marlo…. and her shadiness… and why I understand how Bravo could be held legally accountable if she were to fight it out ON CAMERA with another cast member (as they all do at some point or another).

Not a good look for a “housewife” AT ALL! I think she has a huge future as a stylist or something though…

[READ: Marlo Hampton: No One Knows Her Occupation, But At Least She Dresses Nice]
