Is This Sheree Whitfield’s New “Rude Boy” Boo? [PHOTOS + VIDEO]

Real “housewife” of Atlanta Sheree Whitfield was spotted canoodling with Joe Little at Diddy’s Justin’s restaurant in Atlanta Friday night (July 15, 2011).

If you care, read on…

Little may look a bit familiar (or not).? He’s the former lead singer of the 90’s R&B group The Rude Boys, best known for their hit, “Written All Over Your Face”.

VIDEO: “Written All Over Your Face” ~ Rude Boys

Sheree’s “Rude Boy” celebrated his 43rd birthday at Diddy’s Buckhead eatery and fortunately no one was shot in the parking lot that night.

[Sidebar: Sheree’s gonna get enough of those younger men…? 😯 ]

Could this possibly spell L.O.V.E. for the fashionable Atlanta “housewife” ?

Who knows… but at least it puts Sheree back in the spotlight for a hot second and hopefully gets her some more camera time on the show.

Props to my internet BFF Gwendella for the tip!